Sunday, September 04, 2005

Speaking of the Devil

As I am blogging this morning I'm watching the news (first time in a while) and low and behold Fox news is following the Republican "shift the blame" policy in their interview with Chertoff. I don't have transcripts but there were several leading questions during the interview. So Chertoff got to talk about how local officials were telling him a different story than what the press was and about how much easier it is to work with republican governors like Haley Barbour than it is to work with democrats like Kathleen Blanco...

And now Britt Hume is whining about how people are blaming the White House but not local officials - didn't mention all the budgett cuts that affected the situation. Wankers!

WOW! and now Kristol is bowing to political winds and criticizing the head of FEMA - wonders why he's in charge...

Political fallout...
Kristol... folks are proud of what Bush achieved and think Bush is a good leader...fallout won't matter to Bush

Wallace and Kristol... should proceed with plans to repel estate tax, social security, etc.
