Chris Mooney
Dispatches from the Culture Wars
Stranger Fruit
Cognitive Daily
Adventures in Ethics and Science
Gene Expressions
Living the Scientific Life
No Se Nada Commentary
Uncertain Principles
Quite a collection...what they didn't count on was a 3.5-2.8 million year old hominin would catch wind of it and use his tree climbing abilities to climb a tree and scamper in through an open window...
The past year, or so, has been interesting and I have made many friends while writing this blog. I hope you will visit me at my new blog.
Especially because I am one of the few who does not have a Ph.D in the group so venturing out into the savanah to play with the big boys is going to be quite an experience (I hope I don't meet any leopards [those of you who don't get that joke should read the works of C.K. Brain]).