Saturday, May 07, 2005

Idle Thoughts II: or Ooops I published that last post too soon!

As I have mentioned in several previous posts I am on the look out for more journals for the Evil Darwinian Orthodoxy. It occurs to me that I slighted several disciplines. So let me just say I am looking for for any journal that publishes articles related to evolution (perhaps some of you people at Scripps can send me a list of oceanographic journals?). I know I have several readers that are working scientists...

On a related note I am looking for the following article:

Kimura, Moto 1961 "Natural Selection as the Process of Accumulating Genetic Information in Adaptive Evolution" Genetical Research 2:127-140
I don't have access to a library that carries Genetical Research so any kind hearted soul who has this article and can email it to me (at would earn eternal kudos (or something). I would definitely appreciate it.